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Ahmet Emir Öge, known by his stage name Öge471, was born in Duisburg, Germany. He spent his teenage and early adult years in Konya and Istanbul, Turkey, where his musical journey began at a young age. His proficiency with instruments like the trumpet and bağlama highlighted his early interest in music.
In 2017, Öge471 ventured into rap music, quickly building his own fan base and gaining attention. He has since released 17 tracks, amassing around 14 million streams across all digital platforms, marking a significant success. His song "Derine" became a hit, propelling him to a wider audience.
After a long break from his career, Öge471 reemerged through collaborations with Hayki on Twitch and KICK streams, and with the track "Alışırız." His solo release "Ruhlar" helped him regain his lost listeners, marking a strong comeback to the music scene. Currently, Öge471 is working on a new EP and continues his music career in Hamburg.
With his passion for music and diverse musical skills, Öge471 remains a notable figure in the Turkish rap scene, determined to make a mark with his upcoming projects."